Saturday, October 18, 2008

We have been blogged!

Check out !  
We have made the BLOG!

There is another Scout group that is involved in the Toy Drop.  Hopefully they might be interested in trading toys, and doing a drop in our area!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Third Ottawa starts creating!

The Third Ottawa Scouts have started their toys!

This toy will be made over a few weeks. A picture is painted on canvas, then fun fabric will be sewed onto the back and stuffed to make a fun and strange pillow monster. Here are some pictures from the first night!

What IS a Toy Drop???

The Toy Drop was started in Australia as a "share the love through the streets" program. A toy is created, and then hidden in plain view for someone to find.
There is only one catch. The person finding it must write us ( and tell us WHERE the found it and WHERE it is going to live! If you add a picture we will post it online.

Though this project was started in Australia it is slowly spreading world wide!!

Feel free to check out the blog of the original project:

The Third Ottawa Toy Drop will feature toys made by the Third Ottawa Cubs and Scouts.

Though most of the toys will be dropped in the Ottawa area, some will be heading to Berlin, Zurich, Australia, Columbia and England.